Hannah Frieser
Hannah Frieser is the Executive Director of The Center for Photography at Woodstock. She has curated and organized exhibitions with leading contemporary photographers such as Pipo Nguyen-duy, Angelika Rinnhofer, Alexander Gronsky and Shen Wei, as well as expanded exhibition projects for Barry Anderson, Adam Magyar and Suzanne Opton. Her essays have been featured in publications such as Contact Sheet, Exposure, Daylight, and Nueva Luz, and in monographs for Susan kae Grant, David Taylor, Ferit Kuyas and more.
Prior to The Center for Photography at Woodstock, Hannah was Director of Light Work, a photographic arts organization and artist residency program in Syracuse, New York, and served in various positions for the Society of Photographic Education (SPE) for more than a decade. Hannah has reviewed portfolios and juried exhibitions worldwide for FotoFest, Rhubarb Rhubarb, Photolucida, PhotoVisa, folioPORT and FotoTriennale.dk, among others, and is a frequent lecturer on photography and contemporary photographic practices. Together with gallerist Charles Guice, she is currently developing the online initiative Converging Perspectives that will promote dialogue about contemporary photography, its practitioners and innovative exhibitions from an international perspective.