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Black and White 2018

Deadline for submissions: May 7, 2018
Prints due: Jun 15, 2018
Exhibition: June 27 - July 28, 2018

Prints of most of these images are available for purchase. Please inquire.
All photographs are the copyright of the individual artists and may not be reproduced without their permission.

Gallery Exhibition: June 27 – July 28, 2018

Juror’s Statement

Mysterious, intense, timeless, at times nostalgic, black and white photography is, to me, magical. These images remind me of why I fell in love with photography in the first place.

As a curator, I am intrigued by images with fresh ideas and vision. But as a photographer who loves black and white photography and who has spent a lot of time in the darkroom, I am drawn to both powerful contrasts and nuanced greys.

As a result, my selection for this exhibition is subjective and undeniably emotional. I wanted to showcase the vast range of possibilities that black and white photography offers, from images inspired by the pioneers of photography to fresh interpretations that digital techniques allow.

Jurying this black and white exhibition was a difficult but fascinating experience. Thank you for allowing me to discover so many incredible images. I was captivated by the stories you had to tell, your unique point of view and your creative choices.

- Sandrine Hermand-Grisel

About the Juror

Sandrine Hermand-Grisel is a fine art photographer and printmaker. She grew up in Paris and London before she moved to the United States with her family in 2006. Her work has been published in books and magazines as well as exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide.

Using her broad knowledge of the photographic world, she launched the website All About Photo — a source of information for photographers and aficionados of photography, as well as a showcase platform for talented artists. Sandrine has curated All About Photo since 2013.

An integral part of All About Photo is its annual awards competition, The Mind’s Eye, which she has juried over the years with dozens of renowned photographers and curators. She has also juried many competitions and group shows.

While still working on personal projects, she now spends most of her time discovering new talents for All About Photo.

Call for Entries

In this exhibition, we celebrated the beauty and the powerful expressive ability of black and white photography. The subject was completely up to you. Any capture method or process, whether digital or analog, including monochromatic toning, was welcome.


We were very pleased that Sandrine Hermand-Grisel juried and curated this exhibition. She selected approximately 35 images for exhibition in the gallery, and 35 for our Online Gallery Annex. The recipients of the Juror’s Award and the Director’s Award were each awarded personal portfolio reviews by Ms. Hermand-Grisel. 



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