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The Built Environment

Deadline for submissions: Aug 9, 2014
Prints due: Jul 11, 2014
Exhibition: November 18 - December 12, 2014

Prints of most of these images are available for purchase. Please inquire.
All photographs are the copyright of the individual artists and may not be reproduced without their permission.

Juror's Statement

I was impressed that there were so many fine images that came in for this competition, and it was difficult to make the final selections. Several of the entries reflected a finely tuned eye for design, architecture and their connection to the landscape.The built environment is a fascinating subject that can be approached from many angles. This collection of photographs reflects the various and diverse ways in which we see the subject and will make an fascinating exhibit. It was an honor to select the images for this exhibit.

- Brian Vanden Brink

About the Juror

Brian Vanden Brink has been photographing award-winning architecture for three decades.

Five books of Brian's work have been published, including Iconic: Perspectives on the Man-Made World; RUIN: Photographs of a Vanishing America, which was awarded a Photo District News Photo Annual Award; Porch; At Home by the Sea: Houses Designed for Living at the Water's Edge; and At Home In Maine: Houses Designed to Fit the Land.

His work has been featured widely in dozens of design and consumer publications including Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Metropolitan Home, View Camera, and many more.

Call for Entries

The structures we build — whether a factory, a hot dog stand, a Gothic cathedral, a home, a fence, or a constructed landscape — reflect the vision of those who designed and built them. Of course, the way these structures are appreciated, understood, and interpreted is left to the eye of the beholder. For the exhibition The Built Environment, we sought photographs that expressed your interpretation of a built environment.

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