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Portrait: Self and Others

Deadline for submissions: Nov 14, 2022
Prints due: Dec 15, 2022
Exhibition: December 29, 2022 - January 20, 2023

Prints of most of these images are available for purchase. Please inquire.
All photographs are the copyright of the individual artists and may not be reproduced without their permission.

Deb Achak
Fran Ages
Hannah Altman
Elizabeth Bailey
Magdalena Barry
Bill Bayer
Bonnie Blake
Donald Black Jr
Emily Buckley
Vicente Cayuela
Jaina Cipriano
Ioana Cobzaru
Karen Constine
Ricky Day
Ricky Day
Gene Dominique
Dora Duan
James Gibson
Hannah Latham
Tracy Longley-Cook
Amanda Lopez
Roman Mart
Tingting Ma
Patricia McElroy
Anne McNevin
Julie Mihaly
Samuel Moulin
George Phillips
Victor Ramos
Tracey Richvalsky
Karin Rosenthal
Robert Schultz
Ruth Steinberg
Lacey Terrell
Terry Wild

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